Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Course Pre-Test Questions

Course Pre-Test Questions

Q Instructions: Answer the questions below to the best of your ability. This will not be graded. Everyone must complete these questions. 1. An Anthropologist, Psychologist, and Sociologist are having coffee and discussing diversity and how they impact identity. How would they EACH describe diversity and identity from a macro-perspective and the micro-perspective, and their approach studying them? 2. What are the similarities and differences between each disciplinary perspective? 3. How would EACH of them explain how privilege, power, and oppression affect diversity and identity? Finally, an assignment has been created for this submission, please complete before the end of the week without the assistance of the readings. This is to determine what you already know coming into the course and using resources will skew the results.

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According to the Anthropologist diversity is the major factor that is found all over the world and that each and every tribe and race are different from each other through various ways. These differences thus make people remain in different groups and identify themselves as belonging to certain group. On the other for a psychologist it might be that each and every individual are different from each other for they have different upbringing and surrounding which has built their personality.